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« Grands Témoins » Rencontre avec Robert GUILLET et Kees VAN ERP, Unilever Food Solutions, mardi 26 avril 2011 à 18h30

Institut Paul Bocuse

Communiqué le 21/04/2011
Cuisines & Flavours without borders
Conférence en anglais

Les Grands Témoins s'interrogent et partagent leurs connaissances sur le thème de L'Hypermodernité.

Ce cycle de conférences, ouvert à tous, étudiants, diplômés, professionnels, enseignants-chercheurs ou grand public… est animé par des personnalités, Les Grands Témoins, parmi les meilleurs dans leurs disciplines respectives.

Robert Guillet has been graduated from a business school in Paris and attended the Kellogg's University in Chicago - USA.
His executive career started during 2001, when he worked in several positions as Logistics Director. He was then appointed in VP Business Development and Customer Management.
Robert Guillet took over international responsibilities as Vice President Customer Development Europe.
Currently, he is the Global Vice President Customer Development Unilever Food Solutions.
His daily mission: Customer Development Strategy, developing the business to business relationships with Hotels, Restaurants, Canteens, Quick Service Restaurants, contract caterers and distributors.

Kees Van Erp ventured into the culinary arts while still a teen. His career has taken him all over the globe, including jobs at Michelin- starred restaurants.
As the Global Chef for Unilever Food Solutions, Chef Kees van Erp is a man with many missions. He oversees Chefmanship™ activities around the world. He inspires others as trainer and mentor; and lead teams in developing new products.
“Wherever I go, I see how food brings people together. Food matters. Even if one has spent his/her entire life cooking, there is still so much more to learn”.

Contact presse :
Simone Bischoff
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